Sunday, 29 June 2008

Thursday, 26 June 2008

ZBrush face

Started as a speed exercise, ended up spending 3 hours in total, including some photoshop.

Textured with ZMapper and photoshop with a low-resolution reference image, hence the lack of detail..

Zbrush speed-sculpt - Long head guy

10 minute speed-sculpt for a new character concept at work

Zbrush speed-sculpt - Bird head

ZBrush speed-sculpt - 30 mins

Monday, 23 June 2008

Old general W.I.P

Started this over a year ago. re-opened it tonight for a quick update...
- Photoshop version
- Render from Max
- Ambient Occlusion competition - runner-up

managed to place as a runner-up in the competition.
They provided the images. Spent about an hour and a half on this during lunch breaks at work... Image will be printed in the magazine next month I believe.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Character UV Layout for Zbrush displacement

UV Layout done with 3DS Max pelt mapping.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Zbrush Speed-sculpt and Photoshop colour test

1 hour of ZBrush. half an hour of photoshop.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Zbrush Speed-sculpt and quick Photoshop colour test

Zbrush Speed-sculpt from base sphere. About 25 mins.....

And a quick n dirty photoshop colour test....

Monday, 16 June 2008

Lamb head - ZBrush speed sculpt

20 minute speed sculpt in ZBrush 3.1. from ZSphere base

Blog page set up.

This page will be used to post any of my current works in progress.

to view my portfolio go to: